AO Education

AO IBM DB2 Advanced Modernization Workshop


AO Education workshop provides the IBMi professional, specifically the RPG programmer, with the essential knowledge to succeed. The goal of the training is to become familiar with,  trigger programs, I/O servers & constraints. It is also necessary to cover the supporting technology such as modules, error handling, user spaces,  service programs, and activation groups.

In addition, this workshop will provide methods and techniques to allow for the gradual low-risk modernization of existing applications. Learn how to use trigger programs and I/O servers to non-disruptively modernize your database. 

AO Education will cover DB2 and SQL advantages. Then the ILE techniques are employed to take advantage of DB2. First off we have Trigger programs which will perform validations when adding records to a table as opposed to doing it in the application program. Then we have constraints. Instead of managing data modeling issues in the application, they will be enforced by constraints attached to files. then we have I/O servers. The next layer of support is service programs. The best example of why we use service programs is error handling and the need to get error messages back to the user

The workshop is designed to build progressively from one session to the next.  It is essential to commit to the entire workshop for the best results. Some homework is required between sessions.

All training sessions are recorded and made available as an ongoing reference. The training takes into consideration the data-centric architecture and the toolset. The result is a modern application.

A recorded session of this training is available to download.